Title: Novel Lewis acidic zeolites as heterogeneous catalysts for liquid phase chemistry Year: 2017
Authors (1):
A. Al-Nayili
Publisher: Doctoral Thesis
DOI: phd-thesis
Themes: BAG (2017)
Title: On the synthesis and performance of hierarchical nanoporous TS-1 catalysts Year: 2017
Authors (6):
A. -L. Adedigba, G. Sankar, C. R. A. .Catlow, Y. Du, S. Xi, A. Borgna
Publisher: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2017.02.048 article-journal
Themes: Design (2017)
Title: Operando chemical tomography of packed bed and membrane reactors for methane processing Year: 2017
Authors (1):
A. Vamvakeros
Publisher: Doctoral Thesis
DOI: phd-thesis
Themes: Theses (2017)
Title: Optimising Terpene Synthesis with Flow Biocatalysis Year: 2017
Authors (3):
X. Tang, R. K. Allemann, T. Wirth
Publisher: European Journal of Organic Chemistry
DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201601388 article-journal
Themes: Biocatalysis (2017)
Title: Pd segregation to the surface of Au on Pd(111) and on Pd/TiO 2 (110) Year: 2017
Authors (3):
R. Sharpe, J. Counsell, M. Bowker
Publisher: Surface Science
DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2016.10.005 article-journal
Themes: Energy (2017)
Title: PdZn catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol using chemical vapour impregnation (CVI) Year: 2017
Authors (7):
H. Bahruji, M. Bowker, W. Jones, J. S. Hayward, J. Ruiz Esquius, D. J. Morgan, G. J. Hutchings
Publisher: Faraday Discussions
DOI: 10.1039/c6fd00189k article-journal
Themes: Environment (2016)
Title: Phosphasalen Indium Complexes Showing High Rates and Isoselectivities in rac-Lactide Polymerizations Year: 2017
Authors (5):
D. Myers, A. J. P. .White, C. M. Forsyth, M. Bown, C. K. Williams
Publisher: Angewandte Chemie
DOI: 10.1002/anie.201701745 journal-article
Themes: Transformations (2017)
Title: Probing the Role of a Non-Thermal Plasma (NTP) in the Hybrid NTP Catalytic Oxidation of Methane Year: 2017
Authors (12):
E. K. Gibson, C. E. Stere, B. Curran-McAteer, W. Jones, G. Cibin, D. Gianolio, A. Goguet, P. P. Wells, C. R. A. .Catlow, P. Collier, P. Hinde, C. Hardacre
Publisher: Angewandte Chemie International Edition
DOI: 10.1002/anie.201703550 article-journal
Themes: Design (2017), Energy (2017), BAG (2017)
Title: Properties of bimetallic AuAg nanoparticles for H2 production Year: 2017
Authors (1):
A. L. Gould
Publisher: Doctoral Thesis
DOI: phd-thesis
Themes: Theses (2017)
Title: Rapid Estimation of Catalytic Efficiency by Cumulative Atomic Multipole Moments: Application to Ketosteroid Isomerase Mutants Year: 2017
Authors (4):
W. Beker, M. W. van der Kamp, A. J. Mulholland, W. A. Sokalski
Publisher: Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.6b01131 article-journal
Themes: Biocatalysis (2017)