Title: A Noncanonical Tryptophan Analogue Reveals an Active Site Hydrogen Bond Controlling Ferryl Reactivity in a Heme Peroxidase Year: 2021
Authors (11):
M. Ortmayer, F. J. Hardy, M. G. Quesne, K. Fisher, C. W. Levy, D. J. Heyes, C. R. A. .Catlow, S. P. de Visser, S. E. J. .Rigby, S. Hay, A. P. Green
Publisher: JACS Au
DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.1c00145 article-journal
Themes: New Catalysts (2021)
Title: Atomically Dispersed Copper Sites in a Metal–Organic Framework for Reduction of Nitrogen Dioxide Year: 2021
Authors (21):
Y. Ma, X. Han, S. Xu, Z. Wang, W. Li, I. da Silva, S. Chansai, D. Lee, Y. Zou, M. Nikiel, P. Manuel, A. M. Sheveleva, F. Tuna, E. J. L. .McInnes, Y. Cheng, S. Rudić, A. J. Ramirez-Cuesta, S. J. Haigh, C. Hardacre, M. Schröder, S. Yang
Publisher: Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c03036 journal-article
Themes: Core (2021)
Title: CO2 Reduction over Mo2C-Based Catalysts Year: 2021
Authors (8):
W. Marquart, S. Raseale, G. Prieto, A. Zimina, B. B. Sarma, J. -D. Grunwaldt, M. Claeys, N. Fischer
Publisher: ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c05019 article-journal
Themes: BAG (2021)
Title: Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Competitive Absorption of CO2 and NO2 by a Superbase Ionic Liquid Year: 2021
Authors (8):
A. J. Greer, S. F. . R. Taylor, H. Daly, M. G. Quesne, N. H. de Leeuw, C. R. A. .Catlow, J. Jacquemin, C. Hardacre
Publisher: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c01451 journal-article
Themes: New Catalysts (2021), Water-Energy (2021)
Title: Dinuclear Ce(IV) Aryloxides: Highly Active Catalysts for Anhydride/Epoxide Ring-Opening Copolymerization Year: 2021
Authors (5):
S. J. Gray, K. Brown, F. Y. T. .Lam, J. A. Garden, P. L. Arnold
Publisher: Organometallics
DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.1c00055 article-journal
Themes: Transformations (2021)
Title: Dynamics at Polarized Carbon Dioxide–Iron Oxyhydroxide Interfaces Unveil the Origin of Multicarbon Product Formation Year: 2021
Authors (13):
R. Arrigo, R. Blume, V. Streibel, C. Genovese, A. Roldan, M. E. Schuster, C. Ampelli, S. Perathoner, J. J. Velasco-Vélez, M. Hävecker, A. Knop-Gericke, R. Schlögl, G. Centi
Publisher: ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.1c04296 journal-article
Themes: Collaborations (2021)
Title: Electrocatalytic Site Activity Enhancement via Orbital Overlap in A2MnRuO7 (A = Dy3+, Ho3+, and Er3+) Pyrochlore Nanostructures Year: 2021
Authors (11):
V. Celorrio, D. Tiwari, L. Calvillo, A. Leach, H. Huang, G. Granozzi, J. A. .Alonso, A. Aguadero, R. M. .Pinacca, A. E. Russell, D. Fermin
Publisher: ACS Applied Energy Materials
DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.0c02060 article-journal
Themes: Energy (2021)
Title: Elucidating the Significance of Copper and Nitrate Speciation in Cu-SSZ-13 for N2O Formation during NH3-SCR Year: 2021
Authors (9):
L. Negahdar, N. Omori, M. G. Quesne, M. D. Frogley, F. Cacho-Nerin, W. Jones, D. J. Price, C. R. A. .Catlow, A. M. Beale
Publisher: ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.1c03174 journal-article
Themes: New Catalysts (2021)
Title: Engineering Thermostability in Artificial Metalloenzymes to Increase Catalytic Activity Year: 2021
Authors (10):
M. V. Doble, L. Obrecht, H. -J. Joosten, M. Lee, H. J. Rozeboom, E. Branigan, J. H. .Naismith, D. B. Janssen, A. G. Jarvis, P. C. J. .Kamer
Publisher: ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c05413 article-journal
Themes: Environment (2021)
Title: Heterotrinuclear Ring Opening Copolymerization Catalysis: Structure–activity Relationships Year: 2021
Authors (2):
A. Plajer, C. K. Williams
Publisher: ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.1c04449 journal-article
Themes: Circular Economy (2021)