UK Catalysis Hub Publications

2,128 researchers have collaborated in publishing 764 papers supproted by UK Catalysis Hub

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Year (13)
84 publications found

Title: Hydrogen production by the photoreforming of methanol and the photocatalytic water–gas shift reaction Year: 2021 Authors (4): J. Kennedy, J. S. Hayward, P. R. Davies, M. Bowker Publisher: Journal of Physics: Energy DOI: 10.1088/2515-7655/abdd82 article-journal Themes: New Catalysts (2021)
Title: Identification of C2–C5 products from CO2 hydrogenation over PdZn/TiO2–ZSM-5 hybrid catalysts Year: 2021 Authors (4): J. Ruiz Esquius, H. Bahruji, M. Bowker, G. J. Hutchings Publisher: Faraday Discussions DOI: 10.1039/d0fd00135j article-journal Themes: Environment (2021)
Title: Identifying palladium culprits in amine catalysis Year: 2021 Authors (23): M. ëL. Avanthay, R. B. Bedford, C. S. Begg, D. Böse, J. Clayden, S. A. Davis, J. -C. Eloi, G. P. Goryunov, I. V. Hartung, J. Heeley, K. A. Khaikin, M. O. Kitching, J. Krieger, P. S. Kulyabin, A. J. J. .Lennox, R. Nolla-Saltiel, N. E. Pridmore, B. J. S. .Rowsell, H. A. Sparkes, D. V. Uborsky, A. Z. Voskoboynikov, M. P. Walsh, H. J. Wilkinson Publisher: Nature Catalysis DOI: 10.1038/s41929-021-00710-1 journal-article Themes: Circular Economy (2021)
Title: Improving Product Yield in the Direct Carboxylation of Glycerol with CO2 through the Tailored Selection of Dehydrating Agents Year: 2021 Authors (2): N. Razali, J. McGregor Publisher: Catalysts DOI: 10.3390/catal11010138 journal-article Themes: New Catalysts (2021)
Title: Instantaneous and Phosphine-Catalyzed Arene Binding and Reduction by U(III) Complexes Year: 2021 Authors (4): P. L. Arnold, C. J. V. .Halliday, L. Puig-Urrea, G. S. Nichol Publisher: Inorganic Chemistry DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c00327 article-journal Themes: Transformations (2021)
Title: Integrated Electro‐Biocatalysis for Amine Alkylation with Alcohols Year: 2021 Authors (4): I. Peñafiel, R. A. W. .Dryfe, N. J. Turner, M. F. Greaney Publisher: ChemCatChem DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202001757 journal-article Themes: Circular Economy (2021)
Title: Isolating the contributions of surface Sn atoms in the bifunctional behaviour of PtSn CO oxidation electrocatalysts Year: 2021 Authors (4): H. Huang, O. F. Blackman, V. Celorrio, A. E. Russell Publisher: NA DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2021.138811 journal-article Themes: BAG (2021)
Title: Kinetic Modeling of Hydrocracking of Low-Density Polyethylene in a Batch Reactor Year: 2021 Authors (4): A. Bin Jumah, M. Malekshahian, A. A. Tedstone, A. A. Garforth Publisher: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c06231 journal-article Themes: Circular Economy (2021)
Title: LanCLs add glutathione to dehydroamino acids generated at phosphorylated sites in the proteome Year: 2021 Authors (18): K. -Y. Lai, S. R. G. .Galan, Y. Zeng, T. H. Zhou, C. He, R. Raj, J. Riedl, S. Liu, K. P. Chooi, N. Garg, M. Zeng, L. H. Jones, G. J. Hutchings, S. Mohammed, S. K. Nair, J. Chen, B. G. Davis, W. A. van der Donk Publisher: Cell DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.04.001 article-journal Themes: New Catalysts (2021), Featured (2021)
Title: Methanol dynamics in H-ZSM-5 with Si/Al ratio of 25: a quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) study Year: 2021 Authors (4): S. K. Matam, C. R. A. .Catlow, I. P. Silverwood, A. J. O'Malley Publisher: Topics in Catalysis DOI: 10.1007/s11244-021-01450-z journal-article Themes: New Catalysts (2021)
Publications by theme
Publications by year
Publications accumulated
Publications accumulated vs. per year (line)
Publications accumulated avg. vs. per year (bar)
Publications per journal
Journal Publications
ACS Catalysis 59
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 33
ChemCatChem 31
Journal of the American Chemical Society 28
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 27
Catalysis Science & Technology 26
Doctoral Thesis 24
Topics in Catalysis 21
Faraday Discussions 21
Dalton Transactions 20
Journals 188
Average: 4.06
Maximum: 59
Minimum: 1
Groups Articles
1-5 158
6-10 13
11-15 4
16-20 4
more than 20 9

Publications per publisher
Publisher Publications
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 194
American Chemical Society (ACS) 169
Wiley 122
Elsevier BV 117
Springer Science and Business Media LLC 51
The Royal Society 17
University College London 14
Springer Nature 13
Informa UK Limited 5
Publishers 34
Average: 22.47
Maximum: 194
Minimum: 1
Groups Publications
1-5 25
11-15 2
16-20 2
more than 20 5

Inactive publications
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