Authors (8): C. Qiu, Y. Odarchenko, Q. Meng, P. Cong, M. A. W. .Schoen, A. Kleibert, T. Forrest, A. M. Beale
Themes: Design (2020)
DOI: 10.1039/d0sc03113e
Citations: 15
Pub type: article-journal
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Issue: 48
License: [{"URL"=>"", "start"=>{"date-parts"=>[[2020, 10, 26]], "date-time"=>"2020-10-26T00:00:00Z", "timestamp"=>1603670400000}, "delay-in-days"=>299, "content-version"=>"vor"}]
Publication date(s): 2020/12/23 (print) 2020 (online)
Pages: 13060-13070
Volume: 11 Issue: 48
Journal: Chemical Science
Understanding the metal–support interaction (MSI) is crucial to comprehend how the catalyst support affects performance and whether this interaction can be exploited in order to design new catalysts with enhanced properties.
Name | Description | Publised |
d0sc03113e1.pdf | Supl. data for Direct observation of the evolving metal–support interact... | 2020 |