Title: Hydrogen Oxidation on PdIr/C Catalysts in Alkaline Media

Authors (7): R. Jervis, N. Mansor, C. Gibbs, C. A. Murray, C. C. Tang, P. R. Shearing, D. J. L. .Brett

Themes: Energy (2014)

DOI: 10.1149/2.037404jes

Citations: 51

Pub type: article-journal

Publisher: The Electrochemical Society

Issue: 4


Publication date(s): 2014 (print) 2014/02/13 (online)

Pages: F458-F463

Volume: 161 Issue: 4

Journal: Journal of The Electrochemical Society

Link: https://syndication.highwire.org/content/doi/10.1149/2.037404jes

URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1149/2.037404jes

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